1) | How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "GET" method ? |
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2) | Which of the following function is used for terminate the script execution in PHP? |
A) sleep() B) stop() C) die() D) quit()
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3) | Does php support multiple inheritance? |
A) Yes B) No C) Partially Supports D) Supports through 3rd party tool
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4) | What is the correct way to create a function in PHP? |
A) create myFunction() B) function myFunction() C) new myFunction() D) static myFunction()
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5) | Which SQL statement is used to delete data from a database ? |
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6) | Which of the following is correct ? |
A) body{margin:0 auto:} B) body{margin;0 auto:} C) body:margin{0 auto} D) body{margin:0 auto;}
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7) | Which of the following is used to connect with mysql database ? |
A) mysqlconnect($host,$username,$password); B) dbconnect($host,$username,$password); C) mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); D) mysql_db_connect($host,$username,$password);
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8) | Which of the following is used to check if the function already exists ? |
A) func_exists(myfunction); B) function_exists(functionname); C) f_exists(functionname); D) is_available(functionname);
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9) | What will be the output ? FUNCTION SAYHELLO() { ECHO "HELLO WORLD"; } sayhello(); ?>
A) HELLO WORLD B) function undefined error; C) hello world D) fatal error
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10) | Which property is used to change the background color ? |
A) bgcolor B) background-color C) backgroundcolor D) color
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11) | The PHP syntax is most similar to... |
A) Java B) Javascript C) Perl and C D) VB
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12) | Which of the following is NOT a valid PHP comparison operator ? |
A) <=> B) === C) <> D) !=
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13) | Which of the following operator is error control operator ? |
A) ! B) * C) @ D) &
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14) | Which of the following operator is used to concatenate two strings in PHP ? |
A) . B) + C) : D) -
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15) | What is ECMA script ? |
A) Perl Script B) Python Script C) Javascript D) PHP script
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16) | Which of the following function removes duplication from an array ? |
A) array_ unshift B) array_ values C) array_ merge D) array_ unique
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17) | How many records will be given as output of the following query ? select * from table LIMIT 25,100 |
A) 25 B) 100 C) 75 D) 125
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18) | Which of the following function can print a object content ? |
A) print() B) var_dump() C) print_r() D) echo
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19) | What will be the output ?
$var = 'false';
if ($var) {
echo 'true';
} else {
echo 'false';
A) True B) False C) Error D) No Output
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20) | What is the value of $xyz[2] ?
$xyz = array(
3 => 'b',
1 => 'c',
4 => 'e'
A) a B) d C) e D) Error
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21) | What is the output?
$arr = array(5 => 1, 12 => 2);
$arr[] = 56;
$arr["x"] = 42;
echo var_dump($arr);
A) array(3) { [5]=> int(1) [12]=> int(2) } B) array(3) { [5]=> int(1) [12]=> int(2) [13]=> int(56) } C) array(4) { [5]=> int(1) [12]=> int(2) [13]=> int(56) ["x"]=> int(42) } D) array(3) { [5]=> int(1) [12]=> int(2) ["x"]=> int(42) }
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22) | What will be the output?
echo substr("helloworld", -2);
echo ' , ';
echo substr("helloworld", 0, -1);
A) ld , helloworl B) he , helloarray C) ld , elloworld D) he , helloworl
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23) | What will be the output?
A) 200 B) 300Rupees C) 300 D) 100Rupees
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24) | What will be the output?
echo $y[0];
A) 1 B) paper C) pen D) 3
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25) | Which of the following was not a PHP framework? |
A) Joomla B) Jquery C) CakePHP D) Zend
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